Turkey’s Greens (Yeşiller) gathered at Green Camp 2018

Yeşil Kamp (Green Camp), which have been organised by Yeşil Düşünce Derneği for four years to understand roots of green thinking, to meet with people who internalised ecological values, to sing songs together and to find a way out to problems of Earth which respects the rights of the nature, was held between 1-5 August with the “Alternatives” title at Son Gemi Camping, Bektaş Köyü, Assos, Çanakkale. Yeşil Düşünce Derneği is an NGO working for proliferation of green politics which is nature friendly, sustainable, patriarchy refuser, nonviolent, fare sharing and freedom advocator, diversity protector part of the global struggle.

This year Yeşil Kamp was held by participants from Turkey and Europe such as Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği, Slow Food Türkiye / Fikir Sahibi Damaklar, Anadolu Meraları, Kokopelli Şehirde, Yuva Derneği, Federation of Young European Greens- FYEG, Fırınımdan Ekmekler, Başka Bir Okul Mümkün, Çamtepe Oyun Grubu, Pikan Ajans, MYRA, Doğaya Dönüş Derneği, Yeşil Gazete, European Greens, Troya Çevre Derneği, Save Pirin Campaign, Bulgary Greens ve Greece North Aegean Greens. More than hundred participants, who faces the green, desires to live a green life were attended to various workshops and presentations for 5 days.

Yeşil Kamp was started on 1 August with a summer school for theoretical and up-to-date debates in field of green politics.

Academicians, experts and activists who are working on woman gender, food politics with nature rights, law, social contract and ecology struggle gathered at Yeşil Okul (Green School) which was held by Green European Foundation with partnership of Yeşil Düşünce Derneği.

Yeşil Okul started with “Gender and Queer Ecology” presentation. At the presentation which was taken place by the facilitation of Bahar Topçu, Vesna Jusup (Green Party of Europe), Beatrice White (Green European Foundation) and Teo Comet (European Young Greens) gave speeches.

Second presentation of Yeşil Okul was taken place by the facilitation of Ümit Şahin. Speakers of the presentation titled as“Nature Rights and Earth Constitutionalism” were Rana Göksu (Attorney – Yeşil Düşünce Derneği), Georgi Velev (Green Party of Bulgaria) and Michael Bakas (Green Party of Greece)

From Left to Right Ayşenur Arslanoğlu, Bengi Akbulut, Leyla Aslan Ünlübay ve Antoine Tifine

At the last presentation of the day “Food Domination and Food Politics” were discussed. At the presentation which was taken place by the facilitation of Bengi Akbulut, Antoine Tifine (Federation of Young European Greens), Leyla Aslan Ünlübay (Buğday Derneğ) and Ayşenur Arslanoğlu (Slowfood) gave speeches.

Durukan Dudu

First day of Yeşil Kamp was over with 3 concurrent workshops. Durukan Dudu discussed “Food Politics and Food Dominance” with the participants.


Akgün İlhan

At the second workshop, “How to fight with water crises?” topic was discussed with presentation of Akgün İlhan.

Gender and Quuer Ecology” was the third workshop which was performed by the facilitation of Cihan Koral Malak

At Yeşil Kamp, how to transform the life with peaceful, nature friendly, sustainable, regenerative, transformative, transfrontier and fair share prioritiser and how to create political alternatives were discussed. Alternatives were fictionalised and discussed in a wide spectrum from communication to education, from energy and economy politics to democracies, from civil society organisation to nature rights, from dance to yoga.

2nd day of Yeşil Kamp started with meeting event of participants.

Green Politics for a Smiling Today” workshop was held for the ones who meet the green politics for the first time by member of Yeşil Düşünce Derneği, academician Alper Akyüz.

Alper Akyüz

At “Design Workshop” which was held by Gökalp Ceylan, designs about wind and coal were produced.

At the last workshop of the day, question of “Three Alternative Story About Democracy: If the Democracy is not the Thing that we thought?” was discussed with the participants by academician Sezai Ozan Zeybek.

Third day of Yeşil Kamp was started with event of “Yoga with Tuba Yalçın”.

Second event was “Dawn of Day” games.

At the first session, “Alternative Models on Education” presentation was made. Burhan Ertan (Çamtepe Oyun Grubu), Özge Oğuz (Teacher), Nihan Aslan (Başka Bir Okul Mümkün) and Levent Kahraman (Başka Bir Okul Mümkün) shared the alternative education experiences which they were in.

Rauf Kösemen

At the second session of the day, Rauf Kösemen (Myra, Sosyal Fayda Ajansı) talked about “Concepts Universe of Social Benefit

At the third session, Şebnem Eraş Çelebi make a presentation on “Vital Law”.

At the last session, Güneşin Aydemir from Buğday Derneği make a presentation with a title “Unmitigated Alternative: Nature

At the last event of day Esmeray’s solo “Kestirmeden Hikayeler” (My own short cut story) was staged.

4th day of Yeşil Kamp was sta

Fourth day of Yeşil Kamp was started with event of “Yoga with Tuba Yalçın”.

Day continued with “A tool to discover natural harmony: Skinner Releasing Technique” under supervision of Bahar Vidinoğlu.

Second session was presentation of Pınar İlkiz: “Are we communicating as our human source?

At the afternoon, Sevil Turan and Oral Kaya from the Yeşil Düşünce Derneği made a presentations called “Wind, Sun is enough for us! Fair, Clean, Local, Renewable Energy”.

At another event of the camp, academision Alper Akyüz from the Yeşil Düşünce Derneği discussed “Organisation and Alternatives in Civil Society” with the participants.

Last event of the camp was “Discovering the Body as an instrument – Body Music Circle

Yeşil Kamp was ended with a review workshop at 5th of August.

You may see the pictures of Yeşil Camp here: 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, 4th day, 5th day.


For English: Ali Serdar Gültekin

Story: Ercüment Gürçay

(Yeşil Gazete)



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